Originally I had played online Chess at many different sites, but still not particullary much. Most of my online games was on a free guest acount at Chessbase. My spare time was mostly "StarCraft II" play, watching DVD:s and my Chess training was reading Chess books. This changed in 2020. Both during pandemic and after pandemic online Chess play has taken a lot more of my time. It became my primary Chess training. I read less Chess books as direct effect. I discovered that online play is the best training method that exists since one can see exactly where one went wrong and one also learns openings better in practical play.
During Corona pandemic 2020 all Chess was played online, particullary at Lichess. Link to my profile. Swedish national divisions was created, first in blitz and than later a separate in rapid. Even Eskilstuna SKs club events was played online. I continued to play lots of online Chess even after that pandemic was over. 99% of my online games are team matches. I mainly play for Sodermanlands SF but I also plays for some more teams like BBS Sverige. I also play in Eskilstuna SK internal events. I had an accident during pandemic and broke my hip but I only missade one event. This was not an excuse to not play so I played the other events at bed using my smartphone untill I recoverered. I have also played matches as passenger in cars and in Finland boats and in Gotland boats.
During pandemic I become a much better player thanks to online events almost every day, blitz for Eskilstuna SK one day, rapid for Eskilstuna SK one day, blitz for Sodermanland SF 2 days and Battle of Baltic sea 1 day every 2nd week. I became more ambitious in my play and bought several opening bases from ModernChess. Later after pandemic I created an acount at Chessable as well where I also bought a few opening bases. I also played in other special one time events like a gigantic Sweden vs Finland match and I also in Swedish championship in online blitz as well. I also played in Eskilstuna SK internal events that we played when divisions was on pause. I also played in ModernChess special Arena event as well. When Sodermanland SF played bullet divisions for a while it became yet an other online Chess day.
The different Swedish national divisions was sanktioned by Swedish Chess Federation and rules clearly said players most be registred as members or secondary member of the real club. Interest was higher in the beggining. Many teams got short of players after a while and many teams, like several seasons winners, used incredible many unregistered players thus cheated since it costs money to register players and the corrupt Swedish Chess Federation allowed it. Some clubs registered a lot of extra players that joined the team club for them in the online events and other clubs cheated and did not registered any new players who joined them and some clubs did not even register old members. Some clubs even left the online events since they could not afford to register players so some clubs online teams played in events with no such rules like "Quarantäne Liga". Eskilstuna SK also had a few none Eskilstuna SK club players, but we registrered them as members before they could join and that costs most money so they had to pay membership fee. We even registered a player from Finland and secondary registered a couple of players from the district who wanted to play for us since their clubs was the small to play in oline divisions alone and secondary member registration is free so they did not even have to pay us. Eskilstuna SK played in elite division in both blitz and rapid a couple of times. I became Eskilstuna SK best scorer a couple of times in both blitz and rapid events. When pandemic was over the divisions was closed down.
Eskilstuna SK also played in other matches vs other Swedish clubs that was played when divisions had seasons break.
Swedish Chess Federation also arranged Swedish Championship in online blitz and one other event in Bullet but I only played in the Blitz event.
Sodermanlands SF took an initiative and arranged "Distrikskampen" where Swedish Lichess distric teams competed vs each other and Sodermanlands SF won the combined 3 event serie.
After pandemic Swedish Chess Federation started an new online event at Chess.com, an other major site. The event is a Rapid Chess event called Svenska Schackligan. Svenska Schackligan is created together with e-sport site Fragbite and has price money. I created a test account att Chess.com after some editons to try out Svenska Schackligan. Link to my profile. The site has advertisements but one can pay to remove it and to unlock extra training modes and several practise bots. I have bought Diamond subscription. The site some common known problems with "sandbagging".
After that I created Chess.com account I only play Team matches and Eskilstuna club championships at Lichess and I only stand alone games att Chess.com. Chess.com has also Team matches but I lack time to try it out, besides I rather play for our distric team than a unkowns team. I also experimentet with new opening lines at Chess.com.
Based on my games at both Lichess and Chess.com I estimate that the Chess.com Elo in Blitz is 350 Elo lower than at Lichess with corresponding playing strength, unclear becouse of sandbagging, deflation or something else. I estimate that Rapid Elo is about 150 Elo lower than corresponding Elo playing strength at Lichess.
There are many sites to train Chess tactics on. I have used both Lichess and Chess.com. Lichess uses postions and solutions based and on real games from the site. I am not shure about where Chess.com positions and solutions comes from.
I think that Chess.com is better in this area. At Chess.com it has different levels to advance. However both sites sometimes has same error that sometimes multiple move orders are possible or forks at different squares same effect or both rooks could by sacificed with same results only and other stuff where only one is right. Originally Lichess suffered from that mate in one or mate in two are incorrect since a piece was taken in the game instead. When multiple moves in row are entrered in Lichess it could by a 5 move that was a combination and a 6th move that is irrelevant to combination when 6 moves are equally good and only one is right and wrong meant error on the entire position. At Chess.com one can get right on percent of position instead of simply right or wrong as Lichess works.
Chess.com has a large number of practise bots with different styles and strengths. I have however not tried it yet. At any rate best practise in my view are to play real games vs humans and take time to analyse them.
I like to add that sportsmanship level is low in online Chess at every site that exists and gets lower and lower as time control decreases, in none increment games I have lost games on time several Queens ahead or Rook up and mate in 2. Some players even lost on time in pure Rook vs Rook endgames.
Many players delays games, including dead draws, untill events time is completed to give team less point and player less total score. It has happend to me lots of times. Rating is still counted never the less. My opinion are that "Berserk Mode" that exists in some events are to insult opponents saying you are so bad I will win using half the time so I rarely used but I dont mind that the they berserk me since I like more time and I have been pissed out on the insult and won on time in in lost positions.
In one Rapid event in Swedish divisions an overrated infamous CM only had only hes King left and I had 2 pawns and a Bishop left he thought for 3 minutes and left the board so I had to claim the win manually 4 minutes later. In Correspondence Chess many high rated delays dead draws for as year, in one event one IM used over 100 days on a draw offer in a dead position.
During pandemic open official International matches was played. In Correspondence Chess this has been common for years, long before pandemic. Sweden played two matches vs Finland, with two different rating levels, and Finland won the lower rated and Sweden won the higher rated.
By private initiative a 9 nation team event was created with one team for each nation with coast at Baltic Sea. The event was even sanktioned by Swedish Chess Federation the first three times and was a gigantic event but after pandemic it lives its own life and is a minor event these days. I became selected as Swedish Team Captain. After Russia invaded Ukraine the Russian team was removed.
I can also mention an event that I did not play in. Norway challenged Sweden to an online Chess match. But it was at a new site Norway has developed themself and the site did not even work on mobile phones and it was a fixed numbers of games (3 or 4) where one has to play additional games before to get correct rating so most stronger Swedish players did not play there at all and Norway won.
Eskilstuna SK arranged Mälardalensmästerskap in team blitz and we won one the times where I became teams best scorer.
Sodermanlands SF also arranged districts championships in online blitz in 2021 and in 2022.
On my 40th birthday Sodermanlands SF also arranged the online blitz event Brage Open.
Eskilstuna SK also had individual events. Historys first Eskilstuna online event was created during pandemic and was called "Eskilstunamästerskapet i Blixt Arena 2020". During pandemic we arranged club championships and city championships in Blitz and Rapid but never in any other time control like bullet or standard time. Bellow if is last of top three scorers in Eskilstuna SK club online events. I can also add that in some other Eskilstuna SK events I played very bad. Note that some events was played after pandemic, we played online blitz championship at winter.
Year | Event | 1st | 2nd | 3rd |
2020 | Eskilstunamästerskapet i Blixt Arena | Harald Lögdahl | Michael Tolen | Tomas Bragesjö |
2020 | KM i Blixt | Matthias Nilsson | Harald Lögdahl | Bengt Lindmark |
2020 | KM i Snabbschack | Harald Lögdahl | Matthias Nilsson | Tomas Bragesjö |
2021 | EM i Blixt | Harald Lögdahl | Kurt Ekelund | Matthias Nilsson |
2021 | EM i Snabbschack | Harald Lögdahl | Bengt Lindmark | Görgen Andersson |
2021 | KM i Blixt 2021 | Harald Lögdahl | Tomas Bragesjö | Kurt Ekelund |
2022 | EM i Blixt 2022 | Harald Lögdahl | Michael Tolen | Jonathan Larsson |
2022 | ESK Online KM Blixt | Harald Lögdahl | Tomas Bragesjö | Bengt Lindmark |
2023 | Eskilstuna Juniormästerskap | (Dumlecola) | (nasa48) | (AbdulazizMohamedAmin) |
2023 | ESK Online KM Blixt 2023 | Harald Lögdahl | Stefan Ullberg | Tomas Bragesjö |
I got 4th place in one Eskilstuna SK event after pairing program bug when I got a mysterious "bye round" despite 3rd place and better pairing points, I had met almost everyone in the toplist. By getting pairing points from one less player I got lower pairing points in total than he who got 3rd place since he did not get any "bye round" thus I 4th place with same score as he who got 3rd. The same pairing program bug also happended in an other event where an other player who was 1st or 2nd at results list with better pairing points got a mysteriois "bye round" so he ended up 3rd becouse of same scenario with pairing points from one less player. There was other bugs in the several Swiss events appart from strange pairings, the Swiss mode was new and untested back then. For example some, but not all, pieces was invicible for one of the players or board never displayed for one if the players untill after minutes past. I did not suffer from these experiences but it happened to one of my opponents so we took a gentlemen early draw when he could not see some pieces. However in one event I lost first game without moving a piece since the website said event starts in 25 minutes so I browsed at other sites while waiting but the event started only 1 minutes after the site said 25 minutes I had not that window opened so lost on time but got 2nd place in that event anyway. Neither of these bugs ever happend in Area events.
The district created at team at Lichess called Sodermanlands SF during pandemic to allow districts players to compete in "Quarantäne Liga", later renamed "Lichess Liga". The team started in one of the lowest divisions and has since then advanced to and played in elite division several times after that many stronger players from nearby areas and some foreign players also joined the team. The two top divisions are called "Bundesliga". I have became teams best scorer a couple of times before the team was reinforced by several stronger players. Sodermanland SF have evolved into the strongest Swedish Team at "Lichess Liga". Sodermanland SF has also played in other blitz events and also in bullet events.
Sodermanland SF has also won several large international bullet events and top scores in some other event as well and has become a strong international team and not only a pure district team, even through most players are still from the actuall distric or nearby areas.
Sodermanland SF arranged and won the total combined "Distrikskampen" after the the sub events (1, 2, 3) vs the other Swedish Lichess district teams.
Sodermanland SF arranged some internal events like districts championships in blitz and one special event on my 40th birthday.
I have also played in Iberian elite division a couple of times and also in some other events for a team that Sodermanland SF was cooperating with for several years.
Bundesliga div 1 examples: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18.
Year | Event | 1st | 2nd | 3rd |
2021 | DM i Blixt | Kim Nygren | Harald Lögdahl | Rune Evertsson |
2021 | Brage Open Arena | Harald Lögdahl | Tomas Bragesjö | Michael Tolen |
2022 | DM i Blixt 2022 | Harald Lögdahl | Peter Trsavec | Bengt Lindgren |
By private initiative a 9 nation team event was created with one team for each nation with coast at Baltic Sea. Norway was also added in 103 edition. Players in each team has the corresponding nations flag in the profile. I became selected as Swedish Team Captain. The event was larger in the beggining but interest dropped. After Russia invaded Ukraine the Russian team was removed. If anyone is wondering where Russian coast is its the area of of Kaliningrad. Before World War 2 that area was the German city of Königsberg that after the Russians did a massaker and war crimes vs civilians it changed its population completly from Germans to Russians and was renamed Kaliningrad after a Russian general. The event was sanktioned by Swedish Chess Federation the first 3 times and the event even surived pandemic. In the first 3 editions there was over 400 players fighting and 20 leaders but these days its a minor event with about 40 players and 6 leaders. I have become Swedish teams best scorer multiple times and the entire events best scorer as well.
The list bellow shows medal taken by each team.
Team | Gold | Silver | Bronze |
Sverige | 51 | 21 | 13 |
Suomi | 18 | 26 | 28 |
Danmark | 13 | 23 | 18 |
Lietuva | 10 | 20 | 29 |
Deutschland | 8 | 7 | 8 |
Latvija | 1 | 4 | 4 |
Polska | 0 | 0 | 1 |
Eesti | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Rossiya (removed from event) | 0 | 0 | 0 |
For more statistics click here.
At Lichess my peek rating in Rapid is 2227 and my peek rating in Blitz 2252. One reason was that when I got my peek rating during pandemic the book "Coffee House Chess" was new and had surprised value and players with black had not found antidotes in a few lines thus I got very good positions in the opening. These days better opponents now how to eqalise vs these lines. These days my online blitz rating at Lichess varies between about 2070 and 2170. My peek bullet rating at Lichess is 2040 but I have never been good at bullet and only played it when Sodermanland SF played bullet matches.
I have only played a few games at Chess.com yet and based opponent I met estimate that at Chess.com Elo in Blitz Elo is 350 Elo lower than at Lichess with corresponding playing strength and I estimate that Rapid Elo is about 150 Elo lower than corresponding Elo playing strength at Lichess.
My peek Elo in Blitz at Chess.com is 1760 and my peek Elo in Rapid at Chess.com is 2015.
Click here for my best online results but for some reasons only Arena events are showed here. I have become the best scorer on the entire event in The Battle of the Baltic Sea and my teams best scorer multiple times for Eskilstuna SK, BBS Sverige, Sodermanland SF and for Amigos Ajedrecistas Anzoàtegui.