Curriculum vitae – Tomas Bragesjö

Företagsakademin 2010, 2011Flash CS4 + Project Leading Seminar in 2010 and Photoshop CS5 Web in 2011.
Mälardalen University 2002, 2003, 2004 - 2008 (part time except last year)Degree of University Diploma, Mainly Computer Science 160.5 Bologna creditpoints.
Datortek 2002, 2003ECDL certificate + Security certificate in 2002 and + MS SQL Server 7 projects in 2003.
Högskolan i Trollhättan/Uddevalla2001University studies aborted after 7 weeks due to illness.
Komvux 2000A mix of mathematical and computer courses + Naturkunskap B and Religionskunskap B.
Rekarnegymnasiet 1997 - 2000Elprogrammet : Elektronik.
Work experience
Cleverlearning Sweden ABComputer programming / Web development.2008-present day.
Ulun DataC# and SQL programming, bug fixes on an existing project.One weekend 2009.
KulturArv EskilstunaComputer registration of old items.Spring 2004.
RekarnegymnasietExtra teacher, repairing and sorting.Spring 2001.
CNC Operatörena i Mälardalen ABPractice service, created a simple Website.One day 2001.
Office Fax och KopiatorerPractice service, installing and delivering copy machines.Spring 2000.
Bofors Carl GustafAK5 rifle reparations.Summer 1999.
  • Degree of University Diploma at Mälardalen University.

  • Scholarship from SYSteam when graduating from Rekarne Gymnasiet.

  • I got a Correspondence Chess title, CCE (Correspondence Chess Expert) in 2021 and the higher title CCM (Correspondence Chess Master) in 2023.

  • Swedish driving licens AM/B.

  • Got 170 points of completed courses above standard program length when graduating from Rekarne Gymnasiet 2000.

  • Bronze medal at Swedish Junior Handball Championship 1999 and gold medal at Järnvägen Cup 1999 with GUIF.

  • Secretary and member of board at Södermanlands Schackförbund (regional chess federation) since 2013.

  • Former janitor/steward (materialförvaltare) and member of board at Eskilstuna SK (local chess club) for totally 8 years.

  • Regular member of board of Eskilstuna SK for totally 3 years.

  • Secretary and member of board at Eskilstuna SK for totally 8 years, including current period.

  • Playing Team Captain of Eskilstuna SK team 2 since at least 2006, including leading the team to victory in entire Södermanlandsserien (regional districs division) many times.

  • Former member of board of BRF Facklan.

  • Arranged individual Swedish School Chess Championship in 2000 and Swedish School Chess team Championship in 2002 and 2004.

  • Arranged Schack 4:an (chess for 4th graders) multiple times.

  • Former Junior trainer assistant at Eskilstuna SK.

  • Former Webmaster of Svenska Heraldiska Föreningen.

  • I have written several heraldry articles for both Svenska Heraldiska Föreningens magazine Vapenbilden and for Svenska Heraldiska Föreningens homepage.

  • My name is mentioned in two different Chess books by different authors and some of my games has been in Swedish Chess Federations magazin "TFS".

Chess results
Selfie 2025023