Tomas Bragesjös Sicilian Dragon games


My main defence with black used to be the Sicilian Dragon. I used to have a Dragon homepage and analyzed several thousands of my own Internet blitz games and I also entered blitz games from local club into my database. The Dragon has like many sharp openings many long forced draws and confusing similar lines and also some lines where black is realistic playing for a draw.

Here I show all of my standardtime Dragon games, and a few rapid and blitz games vs Eskilstuna players and some old games from Trettondagsblixten that I found in my database.

I my black games in Correspondence Chess in none thematical events I have played several sicilians like several Kalachnikov games as well as a several of Dragon proper games and some Accelerated Dragon and Hyper Accelerated Dragon games and I even tried Classical Sicilian in one game.

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Mentioned in books

I posted several new ideas at Chesspub forum and some of my ideas and analyzes has my name attached to it in the book "GM Repertour Sicilian Dragon" by Gawain Jones.

One of my wins from the old site is mentioned in a book called "Attacking 101: Volume #002" by Joel Johnson as an introduction to Chinese Dragon.

I also posted a refutation of Dragadorf. The lines goes 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 d6 3. d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4 Nf6 5. Nc3 g6 6. Be3 a6 7. Be2 Bg7 8.Qd2 Nc6 9.O-O-O O-O 10.Kb1! and is an improved Be2 Yugoslav like variation. The normal Be2 Yugoslav like variation goes 1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 5.Nc3 g6 6.Be3 Bg7 7.Be2 O-O 8.Qd2 Nc6 9.O-O-O and is an interesting line, basically a Yugoslav attack but low theory, but it leads to equal play. But when the moves Kb1 and a6 are inserted and this line greatly favors white since blacks best setup is ruled out by white having played the usefull move Kb1 for free and blacks a6 is way to slow.

Giris books lines and conclusions

GM Giri made a Dragon book in 2023 based on hes Chessable course. That book has many interesting new ideas and has made me played play Dragon as main defence in both over the board, at Lichess and Correspondece Chess at ICCF. The book has also an excellent anti Sicilian section.

I have played several games now following Giris lines as base. This includes a few Correspondence games at ICCF and lots of Lichess games (including Lichess Bundesliga) and a few over the board games. My conclusions are that Bc4 Yugoslav recommendation Nxd4 Bxd4 Be6 has more or less ruled out Bc4 as a winning try, even at ICCF. Only problem black cant win either vs right play.

About 9 0-0-0 Yugoslav with Bd4 line that everyone think is a refutation, I have got several easy draws at ICCF vs titled players in that line. I will not post any game analyses here. My conclusions are that in Correspondence Chess Dragon is the ultimate drawing weapon. I played several theortical important games, including playing a novely vs a critical endgames in 9 0-0-0 d5 with Bd4 like vs Cheparinovs line, and got several important position draws vs 9 Bc4 Yugoslav. But on the other hand at ICCF there are no good openings to generate winning chanses as black vs good opposition unlesss white takes risks or plays dubios lines.

At over the board play I managed to win some games like vs 400 Elo higher rated IM at Lichess in different other 9 0-0-0 lines like Qe1 line and also in Bd4 line. I have got very good positions in Dragon in general in over the board play even in games I later lost. I have also got goood score in over the board games and at Lichess in the anti sicilian recommendations, including vs a local FM.

Possible most practical way to play Dragon at club level

Even at clublevel the Dragon endgame in 9 0-0-0 are a draw but black most play extremly accurate in some lines to prove its a draw. Even at Correspondence Chess white can play on forever without risk in a dead draw position.

My proposal as best way to play Dragon is a original suggestion from member MNB at Chesspub forum. The idea is to play a combo of Accelerated Dragon and Kalschnikov, thus get the best of both lines. The ideas is to play g6 if white plays someting else than immedieate d4. Thus no Marocy Bind or no 9 0-0-0 Yugoslav and no problems with Kalchnikovs weaknesses vs delayed d4 or other move orders. Only drawback is black allows Rossolimo but is not end of the world, e5 eqalises at once.

Thus I recommend the book Kings Kalschnikov as primary lines and Giris Dragon book for anti sicilians and for Dragon where white dealyed d4 like Nf3 Nc3 before d4 or the move order 2 Nc3 g6.

An other interesting option is to play a new provactive line: 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 d6 3. d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4 Nf6 5. Nc3 g6 6. Be3 Nc6 6 f3 h5!? recommended by GM Simon Williams. I would not trust it in Correspondence Chess but the idea is no silly at all at over the board play. However white can play 6 Bc4 forcing black to play a normal Bc4 Yugoslav setup, but at least having avoided 9 0-0-0 Yugoslav endgame.

One other possible pratical repertoar combo is to play Classical Sicilian and transpose to Dragon vs Be2, g3 and some other setups but black must be prepared to face Richer Rauzer attack and Sozin attack instead of different Yugoslav attacks.

A few Correspondence Chess games